Tree of Self-Knowledge ~ Black Bark (Bladdernut)
The Black Bark teaches us that being our authentic self is all that is required. By removing the need to be other than who we truly are, our life force is liberated. Paradoxically, in our humility we access our true, authentic power. By bringing our awareness to those parts of ourselves that we find shameful or unlovable, Black Bark may enable us to gain a greater understanding of unconscious patterns of behaviour that we then have the ability to transform. The Black Bark can assist us with centering and enhances the sense of feeling at home in your own skin.
Affirmation: My inner Light is a gift to the world. I shine my Light and rejoice in its beauty.
Corresponding Colour: Gold
Supportive Essence: The Saffronwood essence may act as a supportive essence to the Bladdernut essence – particularly if the Bladdernut essence is being used to address a long-standing imbalance and an “awareness crisis” has arisen. An awareness crisis is an intensification of negative feelings or old patterns of being. It is the soul’s way of calling our attention to these old blockages that need to be acknowledged, blessed and released.

Botanical Info
The Bladdernut / Black Bark
Diospyros whyteana
Learning about how this tree grows in nature, brings further appreciation of its essence:
The Bladdernut is a small, evergreen tree occurring from the Western Cape of South Africa up to Ethiopia. It is found in forests, mountain slopes and shady mountain ravines. At Platbos, the Bladdernut grows as a delicate, understory tree.
White, sweetly scented flowers appear in spring. Like bonneted young girls, the flowers seem to gaze shyly downwards. The red berries that follow are encased within a papery calyx – it is this inflated, bladder-like seed pod that gave rise to one of this tree’s common names, “Bladdernut”. The fruits are enjoyed by many bird species and the attractive glossy-green leaves are browsed on by buck as well as livestock.
Feedback on the Bladdernut / Black Bark Essence
I would like to add the testimonial of the most skeptical person I know about this matter: myself. I always had self-esteem problems and I wanted to try something non chemical to resolve this, so I stumbled upon the bladder nut tree essence. Have you ever experienced that an imaginary elephant is sitting on your chest when it is time to make a decision? Well, I have experienced that for almost all my life, but once I started using Bladdernut essence, the elephant on my chest has left. Thanks African Tree Essences!! – Marco Vicini
BioResonance testing has shown that the Bladdernut tree essence works to balance and harmonize all of the chakras – Melissa Krige
We welcome your feedback on the African Tree Essences: if you would like to share your experiences about this essence, please contact us.
The new leaves are covered in silky, copper-coloured hairs that bring life and sparkle to the shadows. The bark of the Bladdernut is an attractive dark, greyish-black. The wood is heavy and evenly grained and makes beautiful household articles and implements. Wind-fallen branches are gathered at Platbos and hand-crafted into unique and beautiful pendulums.
The seeds are roasted and used as a coffee substitute and the tree has a number of medicinal uses which include treatment of infertility, impotency and menstrual pain, and also to soothe skin rashes.
Harvesting of any parts of a tree or plant must always be done in a kind, respectful and sustainable manner, and necessary permits obtained from the relevant authorities. Those purchasing natural plant remedies also have the responsibility to ensure that these products have been sustainably harvested as otherwise they too are contributing to the likely extinction of the plant and other animals in the ecosystem that rely upon it for their survival.
The Bladdernut is a popular bonsai subject and it is used increasingly in landscaping – its neat form and attractive foliage make it a good choice for city gardens. It grows happily in the shade and in containers and is excellent as a clipped hedge.
Feedback on the Bladdernut / Black Bark Essence
I would like to add the testimonial of the most skeptical person I know about this matter: myself. I always had self-esteem problems and I wanted to try something non chemical to resolve this, so I stumbled upon the bladder nut tree essence. Have you ever experienced that an imaginary elephant is sitting on your chest when it is time to make a decision? Well, I have experienced that for almost all my life, but once I started using Bladdernut essence, the elephant on my chest has left. Thanks African Tree Essences!! – Marco Vicini
BioResonance testing has shown that the Bladdernut tree essence works to balance and harmonize all of the chakras – Melissa Krige
We welcome your feedback on the African Tree Essences: if you would like to share your experiences about this essence, please contact us.
References for Botanical & Traditional Medicinal uses mentioned generally in text for Platbos Tree Species:
Moll, Eugene and Glen.1989 Struik Pocket Guide Common Trees of Southern Africa. Struik Publishers
Palgrave, Keith Coates 1984 Trees of Southern Africa (Second Revised Edition). Struik Publishers.
Palmer and Pitman. 1961 Trees of South Africa. Published by A A Balkema, Cape Town.
Pienaar, Kristo 1985 Grow South African Plants. Struik Publishers.
Schwegler, Mathia. 2003 Medicinal and Other Uses of Southern Overberg Fynbos Plants. Published by M. Schwegler, Farm Heidehof, Gansbaai
Van Wyk, Ben-Erik, Van Oudtshoorn, Bosch & Gericke, Nigel. 1997
Medicinal Plants of South Africa. Briza Publications
Van Wyk, Ben-Erik, Van Oudtshoorn, Bosch & Gericke, Nigel. 2000 People’s Plants of South Africa. Briza Publications.
Venter, Fanie & Julye-Ann. 1996 Making the Most of Indigenous Trees. Briza Publications.
The African Tree Essences products do not claim to cure, heal, alleviate or prevent any illness or medical condition. Flower essences work holistically at a vibrational level providing emotional and spiritual support. The use of these products and/or services is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment from a qualified healthcare professional.